ABOUT Plastic freedom challenge
Plastic Freedom Challenge began in 2015 as a movement to get people started on reducing their plastic waste.
August 15, our Independence Day is celebrated everywhere with great enthusiasm, but the day ends with huge amounts of plastic waste.
#PFC is a call for celebrating a plastic free Independence day, a call to be free from plastics.
It runs for a week from 8 August (Zero Waste Himalaya Day) to
15 August (Independence Day) where we challenge ourselves and others to go one week without plastics.
#PFC is a collective response to bring positive changes to our unhealthy and unsustainable lives, and a stepping stone towards more sustainable lifestyles.
#PFC is also to mark our collective stand against companies that pollute by refusing to use their products for a week, and to continue it beyond.
Come join hundreds of mountain communities, as they take the challenge to go a week without plastics to reduce their plastic waste, and keep continuing to beat plastic pollution. ​​
Are you up for bringing in a REUSE REVOLUTION in the mountains?
HERE IS How YOU CAN be part of the challenge.​​
1. Say it out loud! Say it out proud!
Take photo or a video for social media to let everyone know you are taking the #PFC.
You can use this sign for your photo to show you are taking a break from plastics.
Or take a photo with a small handmade signage.
2. Engage and Amplify
Call on your friends, family, colleagues and neighbourhood to take up the #PFC challenge too.
Tag them on social media to take the PFC, and they can tag their friends along. You can copy the text below and use it for your post.

Plastics have become one of the biggest threats to the planet and human health, and I will further continue to make efforts for beating plastics in my every day life as part of #plasticfreedomchallenge.
Will you join me to take a plastic break? add your tags here - @zerowastehimalaya

3. Show how you are going plastic free
Throughout the challenge week, take photos or videos and post on your social media pages. Don’t forget to tag or send us collab posts and we will amplify.
Day 1
Day 3
Day 2
Day 4
Take this pledge to GIVE UP!
plastic bottles, plastic bags,
beware of plastics
made to look like cloth!
say no to the plastic cups,
refuse those nasty plastic straws,
those plastic plates, spoons and forks,
you do know where they all end up.
can you also take a look
at the unnecessary plastics that you use?
those plastic packaged unhealthy junk food,
can you choose to reduce?
beyond these, you can think
how the plastic habit can be kicked
if you have some other ideas
do let us know, will you please?




Plastic water bottles
Never buy bottled water.
Carry your own water bottle
and get it refilled.
Offer boiled and filtered water

Plastic bags
Stop the use of plastic bags and PP bags.
Always carry your own bag.
Garbage bags are also plastic bags.
Dont be fooled by biodegradable/ compostable labels.
Use newspaper to line your bins.

Disposable cups, plastic spoons/ forks
Do not use plastic / Styrofoam /thermocol, plates, cups and spoons.
Use washable reusable options

Sugarated drinks
Go slow on those sugarated drinks.
Buy fresh unpackaged fruits instead.​

Plastic packaged food
Stop buying products packaged in multilayered plastic.
Buy local and eat healthy.
Buy loose and in bulk

Take aways
Plastic takeaway leach chemicals in your food.
Choose to refuse single-use takeaway cups and food containers.
Carry your own food containers for shopping.


Plastic free personal care
Choose plastic free personal care items.
Avoid products with micro beads.
Say no to multilayered sachets
Choose bamboo brush and reusable razors.

Menstrual hygiene
Sanitary napkins have plastic in them.
They are also packed with chemicals that are harmful to the body.
Choose reusable cloth pads or menstrual cups

Plastic Decorations
Go for plastic free decorations.
Flags and banners can be hand made or made from cloth.
Do not wrap your gifts in plastics.