The Waste and Food intersect is evident.
We eat unhealthy packaged food, and trash our planet with the plastic wrappers at the same time.
The Himalayan Cleanup data has shown every year that more than 80 per cent of all plastic trash comes from food packaging. This is an indication of how our food habits are changing, we are consuming more and more junk processed food, while sidelining our healthy, unpackaged food that forms part of our culture.

Zero Waste Himalaya campaigns actively for celebrating local food cultures as a means to beat plastic pollution in the mountains.

Food discussions with schools have led to adoption of the no junk food policies in partner schools.
Teacher's Workshops with focus on Food Sessions that discuss the importance of reading labels, sugar and salt calculations, and questioning what it is that we are eating. Food hierarchies that undermine local food and promote junk processed food are also important discussion points.